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Sandy Bjorgen – Improv-able Results
Written By: June Bachman ~ 2/10/2012 9:45:00 AM

We met Sandy Bjorgen about seven years ago … through our weekly business networking breakfasts.  Wendy and I have more than enjoyed not only getting to know Sandy over the years, but also watching her business grow and evolve.

Practically impossible to believe when you meet her today, Sandy is a self-proclaimed RSP (recovering shy person).  She is a petite spitfire with boundless, never ending energy.  Her claim to fame is helping others turn nerves into nerve!

Sandy is the owner of IMPROV-able Results, a consulting company creates innovative, supportive and dynamic learning labs where people learn very quickly how they too, can speak on their feet.

Each month Sandy hosts a number of workshops and seminars designed to improve not only your public speaking, but your communication skills in general.  Sandy’s love of improv is the basis for her successful processes and methodologies.

One of Sandy’s newest workshops is focused on the resume.  In a small, supportive group attendees learn how to:

  • Build a focused resume
  • Showcase their talents, skills and experience, and
  • Identify and minimize challenges

For practically nothing (only $25) Sandy will help you fine tune your resume for both formal and informal interviews.

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