Local Search: Citations Are Critical!


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Local Search: Citations Are Critical!
Written By: June Bachman ~ 3/17/2023 9:00:00 AM

bWyseBlog_LocalSearchCitations_s.jpgLocal search results, are those results that are listed on the first page of a search engine … you know the ones with the map!  For example, just search on the keyword “Pizza” and you’ll get a list of the local pizza joints in your geographic area.  Local search results have become increasingly more important, because when a user searches the internet from a mobile device (phone, ipad, tablet, surface) the search results listed are the local (not the web) search results.  Needless to say, all small businesses, whether they have a brick and mortar or not … must be working their mobile strategy.

Citations are an important part of your local marketing strategy, since the search engines use citations when evaluation the online authority of your business.  But really folks … what on earth does that mean?  Every time your business’s name, address and phone number (NAP) appear somewhere on the internet … it is considered a citation.  So … the more citations your business has … the better for how the search engines will rank you in the local search results.  For example, your business listing on Yelp is considered a citation.

When search engine can find your business location
… new customers can find your business on the web!



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