Beware of Automated Social Media Posting Tools


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Beware of Automated Social Media Posting Tools
Written By: June Bachman ~ 9/21/2022 9:00:00 AM

BWYSEBLOG_SocialMediaChecklist.jpgWhen Wendy and I are chatting about Social Media strategies with small businesses, time is always part of the conversation.  Generally it involves someone (me) whining about not having enough time to post on a regular basis to their business Social Media accounts.  Although we are all strapped for time, and could always use more… don't be tempted to shortcut your Social Media posting by using automated tools. 

Social Media automated tools appear to be time savers, because you can often write one post, and distribute it to several different Social Media platforms at the same time.  Even though these tempting tools seem to be time savers - the overall reach of your audience will be limited by creating posts via a tool.  And since the point of Social Media is to distribute your content far and wide across the internet … limiting the distribution of your posts, renders your entire goal moot in the first place!

We have witnessed first-hand that status posts on Facebook that have been posted using automated tools actually decrease the overall reach by as much as 5000%.  This means that Facebook is intentionally restricting and limiting the distribution of posts made via automated systems.

If you're going to have a Social Media strategy, be sure to include enough time to post directly to the Social Media platforms.  Anything else is just wasted effort.

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