Sell to Women? Supercharge Your Pinterest Strategy!


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Sell to Women? Supercharge Your Pinterest Strategy!
Written By: June Bachman ~ 6/5/2019 9:00:00 AM

TUESDAY - June 11th, 2019 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Microsoft Store at Bellevue Square Mall
116 Bellevue Square Bellevue, WA 98004

HbWyseBlog_PinterestShop.jpgere are a few great suggestions for how you can improve your Pinterest profile:

Make sure your username is clear and relates closely to your business.  Your business name is the best choice.  Try to include a keyword phrase if you can.  The username is limited to only fifteen characters.

Optimize your entire profile.  Search engines will crawl more than just your content; they will also crawl the information in your profile.  Your Pinterest board will also have an “About” section, where you have a chance to let pinners know who you are and what you do.  Be sure to use your keyword phrases throughout your entire profile.

Post high-quality images.  Pinterest is a visual social media platform, so you are going to need high-quality pictures. Do not post any low-resolution pictures, and adjust the size of your images so they fit in the Pinterest platform.  While Pinterest does not have any restrictions on image height, it does restrict the width to 554 pixels, so format your pictures accordingly.  Be sure to create a few long images as well.

Write descriptive image file names.  Search engines crawl the text associated with pictures, so don’t leave your picture with an auto-generated file name.  Choose a descriptive and keyword-rich file name for your image.

Write detailed image descriptions.  You are limited to 500 characters in your image description.  Use your keyword phrases in your descriptions, but avoid spamming your keywords.  Descriptions between 200 and 300 words are re-pinned and commented on more often. Pin your own content.  Use the Pin It button so your pin will automatically include a link back to your website when you post a picture.  When you are re-pinned other Pinterest users will create other backlinks when they share or re-pin your content.  Start with these suggestions to get more traffic out of your Pinterest account. You can also search online for other pointers as you begin to use Pinterest to your advantage.


Pinterest is where women are hanging out online!  Join Wendy and June of bWyse to learn  how to display your products, drive traffic to your website and increase revenues.   RSVP to attend our FREE workshop and discover how to use Pinterest to promote your business and reach your niche market.    At the end of our edutainment workshop you will:

  • Know how to set up your Pinterest page.
  • Understand what to do with Pinterest.
  • Know why and how to use Pinterest for business.
  • Understand how to reach your niche.
  • Be exposed to how you sell things on Pinterest.
  • and much, much more!  

Pinterest is the latest social media site to explode in popularity!  What you NEED to know!  It is a virtual bulletin board where you create collections and follow the collections of others. Explore Pinterest and discover how to use it to promote your small business. Leave knowing how to display your  products, drive traffic to your website and increase revenues.

For More Information 

To RSVP - Email: or call (425) 885-9976

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