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Is Your Website Ready to Generate Leads?
Written By: June Bachman ~ 2/2/2010

Your website can be an extremely powerful tool in support of your lead generation efforts. One website objective is to persuade your visitors to contact you for more information.

A great way to evaluate if your website is ready to generate leads, is to take a look at your website from the perspective of your visitor. Try to be as objective as you can.

  • Establish credibility – Use your first impression to make a positive statement to your visitors. Start with a statement such as, “You’re in the right place!” This will encourage your visitors to stay a bit longer, look around and possibly click through to something that interests them.
  • Promote benefits – Definitely describe your products and services using facts and information. However, if you really want a power punch be sure to draw the visitor in by including the benefits of your products and services in terms of your visitor’s perspective.
  • Include pricing – This is highly controversial. But really, consider the advantages of including your prices. If you fear that your prospects will bail because they feel the price is to high – think about the opportunity showing your pricing offers as a pre-qualification step. If you are still uncomfortable, consider using price ranges.
  • Team photos –Especially on your “About Us”, “Team” or “Company” pages make sure you include images of members of your company. Show your employees in action. This provides a face to your company. Even better yet … consider adding a short company video.
  • Call to action – It should be extremely clear to the visitor what they need to do to take the next step. A clear and easily found call to action will tell your visitors what you want them to do. Use color, font size, images and page placement to make this call clear and easy.
  • Short contact forms – Make the contact form as short as it possible can be. Visitors are more apt to complete shorter forms. Only require the absolute minimum information that you need in order to contact the prospect.

By no means is this list exhaustive. However, it is a great place to start as you review your website to determine if you’ve done everything you can to maximize the lead generation potential of your website.

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