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Facebook Ads - How to Get More Clicks
Written By: June Bachman ~ 1/5/2012 11:45:00 AM

Looking for new ways to market and advertise your business online?  It may be time to checkout Facebook Ads. 

Facebook Ads are displayed on the right side of everyone's personal profiles under the heading SPONSORED.  These ads are:

  • a terrific way to gain exposure for your business
  • much, much cheaper than Google or Bing pay per click ads
  • tailored very specifically to reach your niche demographic

There are a few things to bear in mind when creating your Facebook ad that will help you increase the visibility and subsequent conversion of your ad.

  • Always use an image in your ad.  Images that convert the best:
    • Smiling Women - Use an image of a happy woman in your ad - she should looked overjoyed and it is best if she is looking directly into the camera.
    • Bright Logos - Terrific if you have a colorful logo (like bWyse )!  But if your logo is more conservative try adding a bright border, or background color behind the logo.  Always avoid blue and white, since it will blend in too much with Facebook's colors.  Remember that colorful logos will convert better that product images.
  • Always include a reason in your ad.
    • Add a call to action to the image you use. 
    • Do more than just mention your product or service.  Include a featured benefit that explains the reason why they should buy it.  
  • Always use a horizontal (landscape) image.
    • The maximum size for your Facebook ad image is 110x80 pixels.  Horizontal ads use the ad space the best and will display your image clearly.

Keep in mind if you are used to running pay per click ads, Facebook ads work a bit differently.  With Google or Bing pay per click ads, users are typically searching for exactly what you have to offer, because they are researching or ready to make a purchase right then.  With Facebook ads, your audience is busy playing around with Facebook, and not actively seeking you out to buy from you.  Your Facebook ad goals should be about brand exposure, connecting with new potential clients, and free offers - as opposed to selling products or services.  This approach will help you grow your community and ultimately, over time, grow your revenues.

Feel free to post a comment or question!  Have Facebook ads worked for your business?

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